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Workout Nutrition: Essential Principles and Carbohydrate Recommendations for Different Weight Categories | Updated 2023

Many people drink high-protein beverages after exercise, especially heavy exercisers. However, if you only supplement protein after exercise, the effect of muscle building may not be optimal because muscle synthesis requires the help of “insulin.” To promote muscle growth, you need to take high glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates, such as bananas or sugary drinks, which can help secrete insulin faster.

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Nuli Team

Women’s Body Fat Standards: Essential Concepts for Effective Fat Loss and Updated Weight/Body Fat Standards for 2023

Now, we no longer use “body weight” as an indicator of how fat or thin a person is, but rather “body fat percentage”! Many girls look very thin, do you think they are very healthy? The answer is not necessarily yo, because many people look very thin, but in fact, very little muscle mass, body fat ratio is relatively high, if so, is the typical “puffy people” in fact is not a healthy type!

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